Primary Mechanical Systems

The Multi-Purpose Humanoid Fighting Machines which NERV has built in order to combat the Angels.
These giant robots function through a cerebral-nerve link with their operators. Normally, they draw on external power provided through cables to operate, but when necessary can run on internal power (for a maximum of one minute).
"Unit Zero", "Unit One", and "Unit Two" have been completed.

Possessing a variety of forms that go beyond concepts of living and nonliving entities, they are the "enemy", threatening mankind's existence with superscientific capabilities (weapons). Their true objectives and reasons for doing what they do are completely unknown.

A planned city, under construction near Lake Ashino, in Hakone. In preparation for the coming of the "Angels", it is made into a fortress city. Under the camouflage of the skyscrapers known as "Armament Buildings" are contained missiles and other heavy firepower, as well as various weapons specifically for use by Evangelion.
NERV's headquarters is in Geo-Front, the huge underground complex beneath Tokyo-3.

Special Agency "NERV"
An organization directly attached to the United Nations, the existence of which is not known to the general public. Possessing super-advanced science and technology, it developed and possesses the Evangelion
"Angel"-interceptor weapons, and serves as their secret base.
Ikari Gendou is Nerv's Supreme Commander.

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